COVID-19 Heath & Safety Precautions - October 9th 2020

South Peace Grain would like to assure all of our customers that we are going to remain open to the best of our ability during the COVID-19 pandemic. In response to the recommendations of government officials we have made the decision to enforce policies to further minimize the exposure between staff and customers in our facility.
We are now asking all visitors to our facility to maintain a 2 metre (6 foot) dinstance from all SPG staff and other customers while on South Peace Grain property. You may be asked to stand outside of our office window or stay in the office entryway while we serve you. Hand sanitizer is available for customer use and we are regularly cleaning all contact points on a daily basis
We will be providing “curbside, contactless service” should you require it. Please call 250-782-7820 for service when you arrive and to arrange orders. We have a variety of payment options available and will do our best to accommodate all situations.
At this time we remain open during our usual business hours, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday. We ask that you place all large and custom orders at least 72 hours in advance to help our staff keep on top of the high demand. In addition to calling our main office line (250-782-7820) please also feel free to email any orders (email addressed listed below) or send a Facebook message for feed orders.
Additionally, we have made arrangements for some of our staff to work from home on occasion. You may be asked to call these people directly to assist you with any specialized questions.
Again, be assured that we will take care of your usual requirements from us, though it will be in a bit of a different manner than you are used to.
Thank you all for your understanding during this time. Stay healthy, stay home if you can and remember to wash your hands!
Staff, Management and Board of South Peace Grain
Staff contact info:
Shaun: 250-784-7820 or for all cereal seed ordering info
John: 250-784-5899 or for all seed cleaning info
Jenn: 250-219-5966 or for all feed ordering info
Julie: 250-262-7576 or for all forage seed ordering info